Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Proposition 89

1) Strict contribution and expenditure limits
Prop 89 ends the fundraising madness with constitutional limits so regular voters aren’t drowned out by big money.
* Bans contributions from lobbyists and state contractors
* Limits contributions from corporations, unions, and individuals to state candidates
* Limits corporation donations to initiatives to $10,000

2) Clean Money public financing of political campaigns

Prop 89 levels the playing field so new candidates can win on their ideas, not because of the money they raise.
* Candidates who agree to spending limits and to take no private contributions qualify for public funding
* $5 contributions from voters required to prove viability
* Clean candidates receive enough to run competitive campaigns. They can't raise money beyond public funds

3) Tough disclosure and enforcement for politicians
Prop 89 stops candidates from hiding behind negative ads and punishes politicians who violate the law.
* Makes wealthy self-funded candidates disclose the amount of personal funds they will spend
* Publicly financed candidates must engage in debates
* Imposes mandatory jail time and provides for removal from office of candidates who break the law.